Since February, troubles have been pouring in on me like from a cornucopia... I don’t have time to solve and deal with one problem, when others immediately appear...

Those who know me well will say that I am not one of those who complain about life...

But with each new situation it becomes more difficult for me, because all this affects not only me, but also those whom I support...

I want to thank everyone who stays in touch with me! who supports me, who shares these difficulties with me... as I have said many times, everything tends to end... both good and bad...

If I offended anyone or hurt your feelings, I sincerely apologize.

I'm riding a roller coaster again and with great trepidation and with a sinking heart I'm waiting for the next rise... I no longer have the strength to roll down... my health leaves much to be desired... and I have my first gray hair...

all the best and health!